HI Organizes Parenting Education for 214 Orphans in 3 Regencies/Cities in Aceh

1 December 2022
HI Organizes Parenting Education for 214 Orphans in 3 Regencies/Cities in Aceh

In November 2022, Human Initiative through Orphan Kafala Program held parenting education for orphan guardians in Aceh Region. The participants of this activity were 214 guardians of orphans spread across 3 districts/cities in Aceh. This activity aims to provide knowledge as parents so that they can optimize the potential of children. In addition, this activity also includes efforts to present beneficial programs for the surrounding community. Previously, the Orphan Kafala Program had carried out several activities such as Medical Check Up For Orphan in October 2022. The program is part of the Orphan Kafala Program which focuses on protecting orphans.

“This Parenting Seminar will take place on Sunday, 13 and 20 November 2022 at 6 different places in 3 Regencies/Cities in Aceh. One in Banda Aceh, 1 in Sabang City and 4 places spread across Aceh Besar District, namely Baitussalam, Peukan Bada, Indarapuri and also Pulo Aceh is one of the isolated areas in Aceh Besar,” said Ms. Rauzalia as the field coordinator for implementing the activity.

Didi Apriadi, the Branch Manager of Human Initiative for the Aceh region, also explained how Human Initiative focuses on child protection.

“One of our focuses in the Human Initiative is Child Protection, among programs is the Orphan Kafala Program with approximately 500 orphans assisted. In addition to giving monthly  living costs , we also provide various forms of coaching such as education on the dangers of drugs, weekly mentoring and even some of our orphans take sewing courses. This is all a form of preparation for them to struggle independently after the program is finished later. So, in this program, we believe that it’s not just the orphans who need guidance and education. Parents and guardians of the orphans also need this. Therefore, we present parenting education for parents,” said Didi.


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