International Volunteer Day: Mrs. Teza, a Selfless Volunteer

International Volunteer Day: Mrs. Teza, a Selfless Volunteer

18 December 2021

International Volunteer Day falls on December 5 every year. On this Volunteer Day commemoration, the Human Initiative editorial team will specifically present the inspiring volunteer story of Mrs. Teza.

She revealed she has been a volunteer for 5 years, to be precise since 2016. For Mrs. Teza, volunteering is a calling that she cannot ignore. There are always lessons, good memories, and valuable lessons to be learned every time she goes to the location to help the affected residents.

“I most often learn patience when I am the field. At first I was confused, every time I go to a disaster location, I don’t understand why some of those who are affected by the disaster can accept it gracefully, so humble, patient. Even though we who saw it must have been thrilled, right? But seeing their response like that makes us feel even more embarrassed. Because those, who should be able to complain, choose to be tolerant, believe in Allah, there is a purpose behind all of this. We feel as if we are slapped,” said Mrs. Teza.

Therefore, as a volunteer, Mrs. Teza feels happy if she can provide benefits and comfort the affected people. She was very happy to see them smiling again even though they were still in a difficult situation.


Motivation of Mrs. Teza to be a Volunteer

Furthermore, Mrs. Teza added, it was her parents who helped shape her into an active volunteer until now. “My parents actually encouraged me to be a volunteer. Maybe other people see that I’m a woman, why do I want to be tired of being a volunteer. But when my father saw me just sitting at home, he asked what charity I had done that day? My father and mother keep reminding me that wherever I am, I must spread benefits to others. Because with that, God will help our family,” said Mrs. Teza.

Of course, being a volunteer is not easy. There are always challenges when it comes to unfamiliar locations. However, Mrs. Teza thinks, if our intention is to seek Allah’s pleasure, everything will be easy and light.

On this International Volunteer Day, Mrs. Teza has hope for her fellow volunteers who are struggling out there. “Volunteers everywhere, whoever works in the field of humanity, don’t ever feel arrogant. But keep in mind, what practice we haven’t done today. Hopefully, our tiredness as volunteers will be the weight of our charity scales in the future.” close Mrs. Teza.

Initiator Friends, you can also become a humanitarian volunteer like Mrs. Teza. It’s really easy, just visit the HIVE official website and register yourself right now. Come on, be an agent of change starting with yourself.

Happy International Volunteer Day!


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