Rizki and His Hope to Become a Policeman

Rizki and His Hope to Become a Policeman

15 October 2021

Girimulyo is one of 12 sub-districts in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta Special Region. Girimulyo has 21 elementary schools and the equivalent, 6 junior high schools and the equivalent. One of the existing educational facilities is SD Negeri 1 Jonggaran, Kulon Progo.

This elementary school is located in Jonggaran, Jatimulyo, Girimulyo District, Kulon Progo. There are 12 teachers and 152 students who are actively involved in activities at the school. Among the 152 people, Rizki is one of them.

Rizki is a 6th grade student at SD Negeri 1 Jonggaran, Kulon Progo. His big body with a cheerful, healthy, and active face covers everything he goes through.

So far, he goes to school on foot, he sometimes goes to his school friend’s house first and gobto school together. At school, Rizki likes Islamic subject very much. He aspires to become a policeman. “You can catch bad people,” he said when asked about his reason to become a police officer.

Like children of his age, football is the game he enjoys the most. He often goes to his friend’s house to play ball or invites his friends to his house to play ball at his house. Apart from playing football, Rizki also likes watching television and playing gadgets.


Rizki’s Family

Rizki is the oldest to her 6 year old younger sister. They are 5 years old apart. Inspite of many school needs, Rizki’s father does not work. The source of income for his family only relies on his mother’s activities of weaving bamboo baskets which are sold to middlemen before finally reaching the collectors. Sometimes Rizki’s father helps weave bamboo baskets.

Whenever discussing about his father’s work, Rizki only replied, “Dad doesn’t work.” There are also no goats and cows in his house. There are only chickens which are also not a source of income.

The boy who lives in the Girimulyo area, Kulon Progo, likes black color and likes to eat noodles and omelettes.

Rizki dan Harapannya Menjadi Polisi

When met by Human Initiative team yesterday, Rizki happily accepted the gift provided by the Initiator Friend. The gift containing school supplies must have been a joy for him, who had not bought a new bag since a long time. He himself did not remember the last time he bought a bag. Because the distance from his house to the location of buying the bag is quite far, about 19 minutes by motor vehicle.

Hopefully, the trust that the Initiator Friends have entrusted to him can motivate Rizki to earnestly pursue his dream of becoming a police officer.

Let’s continue to support Rizki and children of his age to continue their education properly and make their dreams come true by visiting the website SolusiPeduli.org – Solutions Comes for Peduli. We are waiting for your best support.


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