Thank You, Big Brother! Please Come Back Again!” An Invitation to Return to the Remote Corners of the Country

19 July 2024
Thank You, Big Brother! Please Come Back Again!” An Invitation to Return to the Remote Corners of the Country

The scorching sun warms the skin, and dust swirls in the cold, strong wind. In the midst of a dry sandy expanse stands the village of Oebelo, a remote village in the far east of East Nusa Tenggara. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, this village is like a hidden pearl, offering breathtaking natural beauty and inspiring stories.

The Qurban Human Initiative team steps forward with enthusiasm. Entrusted with spreading happiness through the Qurban Distribution program, they bring joy to the people of Oebelo.

This village is remote, with challenging access, and modern luxuries are nowhere to be seen. Electricity is only available for a few hours a day, and clean water is not something frequently used. Yet, despite these limitations, the warm smiles and hospitality of Oebelo’s residents greet the team with great joy. Gratitude shines on their faces as the Qurban Human Initiative team hands over the sacrificial meat, a trust from the Dear Initiators.

“Thank you, Big Brother! Come back again…” say the children with tear-filled eyes. Simple words but rich in meaning, expressing gratitude and a longing for the return of goodness. We try to remember the names of these hopeful children of Oebelo: Saleh, Fitri, Sari, and other little friends.

The Qurban Human Initiative team not only delivers the sacrificial meat but also shares joy with the village children. Together with Ustadz Handy Bonny, their laughter and playfulness echo under the blue sky, creating beautiful moments amidst limitations.

In Oebelo, the Qurban Human Initiative team finds the true meaning of Qurban. It’s not just about slaughtering animals but about sharing, spreading happiness, and igniting hope amidst a life full of challenges.

Returning to the city, the Qurban Human Initiative team carries with them wonderful memories and valuable lessons. The village of Oebelo serves as a reminder that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those in need.

The story of Oebelo does not end here. With the goodness from the Dear Initiators, the Qurban Human Initiative team promises to return, bringing more happiness and hope to this remote village.

Not just Oebelo, but other villages in the far corners of the country. Areas untouched by urban hands, yet through the Qurban Distribution program, the greetings of the Dear Initiators reach their hearts.

“Come back again…” is not just a phrase, but a promise to continue sharing and spreading goodness, bringing joy to the remote corners of the country, and coloring Indonesia with hope.

Thank you to the Dear Initiators who have sacrificed through the Qurban Human Initiative program. Thank you for caring for others. Insha’Allah, we will be together again in the next Qurban program, because “Your Qurban, Makes Them Happy.”


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