World Million Trees Day Movement: Why Should We Plant Trees?

World Million Trees Day Movement: Why Should We Plant Trees?

27 January 2022

Initiator Friends, as we all know, in the beginning of this year, Indonesia was hit by many disasters. A grief caused by Semeru volcano was not over yet, then it was followed by disaster occurred in Jayapura . The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) explained that one of the factors causing flooding in Jayapura was due to high rainfall followed by humidity and wind bends in the northern region of Papua.

Apart from these factors, there are actually many other factors that can cause an area to be flooded. One of them is the accumulation of water volume in a lake or river until it overflows and comes out causing flooding. This usually is worsened with the lack of catchment area in the area so that the water volume is not accommodated properly.

Planting trees can be one solution because it can be a good catchment area. The birth of the World One Million Trees Day movement has the aim of preserving trees which have many benefits for human life. In addition to preventing flooding, the existence of trees is also like the lungs of the earth because it can absorb various kinds of pollutants and make the air cleaner.

Last September, Human Initiative together with Pertamina Sei Siak participated in planting mangrove trees to preserve the earth. This activity took place on Ant Island, precisely in Limbungan Baru, Riau. There are 120 mangrove seedlings with rhizophora species planted there.

Also attending the event were the Limbungan Village Head, Head of RT, RW, several local communities, and all Human Initiative volunteers. The audience was even very enthusiastic to directly participate in planting trees.

Initiator Friend, it turns out that the existence of trees provides such great benefits for the preservation of our earth. Hopefully in the future more people will be aware of planting trees for a better environment.

Happy World Million Trees Day!


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