Human Initiative merupakan organisasi kemanusiaan global yang terus berupaya memberikan kebermanfaatan yang lebih bermakna dengan dukungan multipihak.
Didirikan di Indonesia pada 10 Desember 1999 Human Initiative menjalankan strategi Theory of Change (TOC) yang fokus kepada dampak positif pelaksanaan program bagi Masyarakat dan menjadikan Humanitarian-Development Nexus sebagai ruang lingkup program.
Hal ini diturunkan dalam empat pilar program utama, yakni Initiative for Empowerment, Initiative for Children, Initiative for Disaster Risk Management, dan Initiative for Infrastructure di mana manusia merupakan arus utama intervensi program.
Human Initiative was designated as a National Zakat Charity Institution.
Registered at the United Nations as an NGO with Special Consultative Status with the Economic Social Council.
The Law on Zakat Management was issued, changing organizational governance internally.
Human Initiative was established to manage humanitarian aids for various crisis occuring in Indonesia.
Managing humanitarian aid and programs for the victims of the Aceh Tsunami, which was five times larger in volume than the previous one.
Appointed as a National Social Organization and registered as a partner institution in the European Union for social programs.
The spin-off and name change to Human Initiative, which focuses on humanitarian programs and no longer manages zakat, infaq, and sadaqah.
Rebuilding Funds
We received an award from Numico Group, the Netherlands in the "Rebuilding Fund" program for the construction of 500 houses and schools, for the victims of the 2006 Yogyakarta earthquake.
A Hero from the Disaster Land
Suharjoni from the Division of Disaster Risk Management at Human Initiative was chosen as one of Tempo magazine's Heroes from the Disaster Land. This recognition was part of a special edition called 'Figures of Choice,' which was published in December 2010."
The Best
Humanitarian NGO
On May 7-8, 2011, at The International Conference on Family of the Islamic World event organized by the Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW), our organization, Human Initiative, was recognized for its outstanding humanitarian work and awarded the title of 'The Best Humanitarian NGO'.
Platinum Award
in the Field of Consumer
On December 15, 2011, Human Initiative supported the 'Gizi Kita' and 'Ayo Melek Gizi' which are nutrition awareness programs. This support contributed to PT. Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika to receive the Platinum Award for the Consumer category at the Indonesian CSR Awards 2011 in the industrial and manufacturing sector.
Award from the
National Search and Rescue Agency (BNPB)
Eko Sulistio, a member of the Disaster Risk Management Division at Human Initiative, received an award from the National Search and Rescue Agency (BNPB) for his participation in the treatment of victims of the Sukhoi SJ100 plane crash in the Salak Mountain area of Bogor, West Java, in May 2012.
Finalist of the MDG's Program Award
Finalist of the MDG's Award Program in 2012 for the 'Pondok Sagita' program (Awareness of Nutrition for Mothers and Children)
Sincerest Appreciation to Human Initiative in the commemoration of World Humanitarian Day 2013 in Indonesia from UN OCHA (UN Office for The Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) Indonesia.
Award from the
National Search and Rescue Agency (BNPB)
Award from BNPB for being considered to have contributed to supporting the Government in disaster management, 2018.
Expedition Program Across the Indonesian Archipelago
An award from the Coordinating Ministry of Human Development and Cultural Affairs for the participation in the Archipelago Expedition.
To realize the vision and mission of the institution,
we focus on three areas of work which include:
Initiative for Children is a collection of programs that aim to improve the lives of orphans and underprivileged children by increasing their knowledge and skills. These programs include educational scholarships, school and worship equipment provision, psychological support, and various pieces of training to help them live independently.
The Initiative for Empowerment, also known as the Empowered Cluster, comprises various programs that seek to enhance the lives of individuals, families, and the environment at large to improve sustainable welfare. The Cluster Program adopts an empowerment approach through community facilitation, allowing beneficiaries to organize their potential to solve problems and improve their quality of life.
Initiative for Disaster is a collection of various programs aimed at reducing the impact of disasters by empowering communities to recognize potential hazards and prepare for them. In addition to preventive measures, the preparation of teams that can be deployed in the event of a disaster is also a focus of various disaster programs.
Vice President of Communication, Network and Development
President of Human Initiative
Vice President of Resources
Vice President of Operation
Jln HM Ardhan RT 25 Pisangan Kelurahan Satimpo – Bontang Selatan Kota Bontang Kalimantan Timur
Telp. 0811-5415-800
Jl Merapi Raya No. 64 Kel panorama
Kec. Singaran Pati Kota Bengkulu 38226
Telp. (0736) 8050026
Jl. Puri Tata Indah No.36 Palace, Blok A, Parang Tambung, Kec. Tamalate, Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan 90224
Telp. 0852-9977-4141
Jalan Paus Ujung No. 1B, Simpang Arifin Ahmad
Tangkerang Barat, Kec. Marpoyan Damai
Pekanbaru 28125
Telp. (0761) 8416191
Balikpapan Baru Cluster Toronto Blok JA6, Damai, Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76114
Telp. 0851-0003-9222
Jalan Hafid Jalil, RT 03/RW 01 Birugo
Bukittinggi 26181
Telp. +62 82174400110
Jalan Ngagel Madya VIII no. 32, Baratajaya, Gubeng, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60284
(031) 99441809
Jalan By Pass, Kayu Gadang RT/RW 04/06 (Belakang Masjid Taufiq), Kel. Pasar Ambacang, Kec. Kuranji, Padang 25152
Telp. (0751) 779260
Jl. Bangirejo Taman No.9, Karangwaru, Kec. Tegalrejo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55241
Telp. (0274) 551355
Jalan Kenanga Raya No. 22, Kel. Tanjung Sari
Kec. Medan Selayang, 20132
Telp.(061) 8229273
Jalan Setiabudi No. 70, Semarang 50269
Telp. (024) 7477405
Jalan Reformasi, Desa Santan, Kec. Ingin Jaya, Aceh Besar 23371
Telp. (0651) 7315716
Jalan Kebun Cengkeh Komp. BTN Manusela
Blok B/5-6, Lt. 2, Desa Batu Merah
Kec, Sirimau, Ambon 97128
Telp. (0911) 3827345
Jalan Cikutra No.138, Bandung 40124
Telp. (022) 7100035
Since 2008, Human Initiative has been registered with the UN to operate internationally as an NGO with "Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council".
It is a specific mission that sets apart Human Initiative from other humanitarian organizations, which have handled crises such as the Pakistan floods, the Rohingya crisis, Palestine, the Japanese earthquake, and others.