Effective Saving Tips for Participating in Qurban Annually

Effective Saving Tips for Participating in Qurban Annually

11 May 2023

Qurban is a special act of worship that requires sincerity and the willingness to spend a portion of one’s assets to purchase sacrificial animals, which can be costly. Are there any foolproof ways to save for Qurban every year? Many articles have provided numerous tips on this matter, and Human Initiative will summarize them for our Dear Initiators who wish to perform Qurban annually. Let’s take a look at the tips below.


  1. Determine Your Sacrificial Animal

According to Surah Al-Hajj, verse 34, certain types of animals are considered sacrificial animals. Imam Nawawi, quoted from Rumaysho [1], stated that camels, cows, and goats, including sheep, fall into this category. Each type of Qurban animal has a different price, which will affect your savings target. Have you decided on the type of animal for your Qurban, Dear Initiators?


  1. Set the Amount and Duration of Saving

Once you have chosen the type of animal for Qurban, it is important to determine the amount and duration of your savings. Consider how much you need to save each time and how long it will take to reach your goal. Keep in mind that Eid al-Adha falls on different dates each year, usually 10 to 11 days in the Hijri calendar. Adjust your saving time accordingly, maintaining your spirit throughout the process.


  1. Choose between Independent Saving or Auto Debit

Financially independent individuals who are disciplined in managing their savings can opt for independent saving methods. You can choose to keep the savings in a separate account, mix it with other funds, or use a traditional ‘piggy bank’. Alternatively, if you prefer a structured approach, take advantage of scheduled savings features offered by many banks, including profit-sharing systems in Islamic banks.


  1. Select the Price Range of the Sacrificial Animal

Remember that Allah determines the outcome, regardless of the amount you save for the Qurban. You can decide to purchase sacrificial animals within a price range that suits your means. The Qurban program by Human Initiative offers a 1/7 cow or goat Qurban at a relatively affordable price. Visit the Solusipeduli.org page to explore various Qurban options. You can choose the distribution location of the benefits based on the terms and conditions in effect at that time.


Start planning your Qurban early with Human Initiative at Solusipeduli.org.


[1] https://rumaysho.com/2837-hukum-qurban-dengan-selain-sapi-kambing-unta.html


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