Human Initiative Collaborates with Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency to Support Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Distributing 100 Wheelchairs

8 December 2023
Human Initiative Collaborates with Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency to Support Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Distributing 100 Wheelchairs

On Sunday, December 3, Human Initiative (HI) collaborated with the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) to distribute 100 wheelchairs to the disability community at AIUEO Space in Bandung, West Java. Coinciding with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the distribution program was attended by 100 members of disabilities from the Boundless Disabilities community.

“We are genuinely delighted; these wheelchairs are crucial to our daily activities. The support we receive enables us to be more efficient in our daily routines,” explained Corfied Magetan, Chairman of Boundless Disabilities.

Human Initiative, as a humanitarian organization focusing on empowerment, introduced the wheelchair support program as a contribution to the disabled community.

“One of the cultural values we instill in this organization is empowerment. We believe that anyone, anywhere, has the capability and the power to improve the quality of their lives. Therefore, including our disabled friends, the kindness shown through TİKA is our effort to support them,” stated Andjar Radite, Vice President of Operation at Human Initiative.


TİKA HI Wheelchair Program

The distribution program, coinciding with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, included various activities such as the ceremonial handover of wheelchairs, joint prayers, and talent performances by members of Boundless Disabilities. The event was also attended by the West Java Provincial Social Services as a government entity focused on disability program management. With the theme “Access for All: Empowering Inclusivity,” HI and TİKA emphasized that access to various opportunities should be open to everyone, including persons with disabilities. Therefore, empowering each other without discrimination is the main mission in the spirit of inclusivity.


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