Human Initiative Shares Moments of Happiness through the Meat Alms Program on the Nyalo River

Human Initiative Shares Moments of Happiness through the Meat Alms Program on the Nyalo River

25 August 2022

Nyalo River, West Sumatra – Last Sunday, August 14, 2022, the meat alms program was held at Nyalo River, Pesisir Selatan Regency, West Sumatra. To make the program a success, Human Initiative and several communities (BEM KM UNP, BEM KM UNAND, FSLDK West Sumatra, and KKN ISI Padang Panjang) collaborated with the local Nagari. At that location, there are 260 families who, on average, belong to middle to lower economic community and work as fishermen.

The Moment of Togetherness is one of the important activities on this agenda. Starting from the men and local youths who slaughtered cows together. The activity continued by cooking soup and rendang by women. Meanwhile, the volunteers filled the Nagari children’s activities with fun little games.

Eating together did not escape the series of events. In addition to eating together, the rendang dish is immediately packaged and distributed to the residents of Sungai Nyalo. How happy they are when receiving this rendang. This is because at the last qurban moment, in Singai Nyalo River there was only 1 cow slaughtered at the qurban moment. So that not all residents get meat.

The guardian of Nagari Sungai Nyalo, Marjam, was very enthusiastic and grateful that Sungai Nyalo had been chosen as the distribution site by Human Initiative. It is hoped that with this activity, the residents will become more compact and the economy of the residents will also increase.

Sungai Nyalo has a special natural beauty, located on the beach with white sand and several small islands that can become tourist attractions. However, because the location is not yet well-known among the people, the natural beauty is still hidden. With the existing potential, it is hoped that Sungai Nyalo will be able to develop in the future so that the economic level of the residents becomes prosperous.

Initiator Friends, the level of consuming meat in Indonesia is still low in various places throughout Indonesia. let’s support the next meat alms program with Human Initiative. You can support other programs through Thank you for your good initiative.


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