The Role of Health Heroes in Popularizing a Healthy Lifestyle

The Role of Health Heroes in Popularizing a Healthy Lifestyle

21 November 2021

Everyone surely wants to have a healthy body. Because the welfare of life can increase if the mind and body are in the top condition. Living a healthy lifestyle is actually pretty simple. However, it does require consistency to continue to apply a healthy lifestyle in every condition.

Actually, what is a healthy lifestyle? In simple words, a healthy lifestyle is a form of long-term commitment to do things to keep your body fit and function properly. There are several things that Initiator Friends can do to support a healthy lifestyle, such as eating highly nutritious foods. It can also be in the form of meditation, exercise, and so on.

The Role of Health Heroes in Popularizing a Healthy Lifestyle

The World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 agreed that the acquisition of a health degree is a fundamental right for everyone regardless differences of opinion on politics, religion, race, and socio-economic level.

In order to realize these ideals, health heroes are expected to take part in increasing public awareness of the importance of implementing a healthy lifestyle every day. Some time ago, the Human Initiative in collaboration with Kimia Farma gave awards to inspiring midwives, today’s health heroes.

Some of the roles they perform are among others introducing healthy behavior ideas and techniques. Then designing a communication program for health education to the public. It also develops strategies for healthy lifestyle changes. Finally, the most important thing is to continuously motivate people to consistently carry out a healthy lifestyle.

Initiator Friends, the definition of today’s hero can come from various disciplines. How about you? Come on, take part in the change by contributing directly to improvements in the environment around you with the skills you have. Because we believe, you, we are #AllHeroes. Let’s visit HIVE with our Human Initiative, together we become heroes to spread goodness around us.



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