Together with Human Initiative, MTT Provides Home Renovation Material Assistance for Farmworker Families in Gowa

Together with Human Initiative, MTT Provides Home Renovation Material Assistance for Farmworker Families in Gowa

1 September 2023

Makassar, South Sulawesi – Human Initiative, in collaboration with the charitable contributions of the Telkomsel Taqwa Assembly (MTT), provided building materials for home renovation to farmworker families in Langkoa Hamlet, Bolaromang Village, Tombolo Pao Subdistrict, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The goodness encapsulated in the Dhuafa Home Renovation program targets low-income beneficiaries residing in houses categorized as Uninhabitable Homes (RTLH).

Within the Dhuafa Home Renovation program, Human Initiative collaborated with local government authorities to conduct a rapid assessment in Bolaromang Village. The assessment aimed to explore the economic conditions and homes of residents falling under the RTLH category. Based on the assessment results, three farmworker families in Bolaromang Village received home renovation material assistance from the kindness of MTT.

Wenni Alfianti, Head of Program Branch at Human Initiative South Sulawesi, revealed that the beneficiaries of the home renovation material assistance program are low-income communities. For this reason, Human Initiative, in partnership with MTT, selected three Farmworker Families based on the rapid assessment.

“These three families depend on being farmworkers, earning income only every three months during the planting season. Additionally, to meet their daily needs, they rely on the support of neighboring families,” Wenni shared.


Self-Help Renovation and Community Collaboration

Further elaborating, Wenni explained that the Dhuafa Home Renovation program with MTT involves providing building materials. The beneficiaries then engage in self-help renovation of their homes. However, there are beneficiaries who are unable to renovate independently. In such cases, Human Initiative coordinates with local government authorities to realize habitable housing for the beneficiaries.

“We communicate with stakeholders to assist in the construction. Often, there’s support from the village, or the residents are asked to collaborate in building,” Wenni stated.

Grandma Saming, one of the beneficiaries, expressed her gratitude during the distribution of assistance. She conveyed that the kindness of Human Initiative and MTT has fulfilled hopes she had been unable to achieve until now.

“Many thanks to MTT and HI for the home renovation assistance,” she softly said.


Many Uninhabitable Homes in Indonesia

Uninhabitable Homes (RTLH) are houses that do not meet requirements for building safety, minimum building size, and resident health. These criteria are based on Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia No.07/PRT/M/2018 regarding Self-Help Housing Stimulus.

According to, the Directorate General of Housing under the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that the percentage of households not living in habitable homes is still between 40-50%. Recognizing this reality, MTT, an Islamic spiritual organization within the Telkomsel network, strives to contribute to habitable homes in remote areas of Indonesia. Collaborating with Human Initiative, the hope is for this goodness to expand and empower the nation further.


MTT dan Human Initiative Sulsel Berikan Bantuan Material Renovasi Rumah untuk Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah


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