The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on all sectors, including health, economy and tourism. One of the efforts that the government is intensively pursuing is the recovery of the national economic sector by encouraging the growth of MSMEs. If you look at the history of the crisis in Indonesia, MSMEs have made a big contribution to our economy. In 2018, the data released by SMEs Ministry contained 64.2 million MSME actors with a workforce absorption capacity of 117 million workers.
A big contribution that needs support from all parties including the government, private, and local community organizations. There is collaboration from each institution to contribute to helping and optimizing community needs so that they do not overlap. This is also the case with humanitarian agencies (NGOs) that have taken part in assisting in disasters and the community. It is these kinds of institutions that can eventually become extensions in the field to run programs that are in accordance with community needs and government policies. Like the Human Initiative, together with CRS and Australian Aid are helping MSME actors affected by Covid-19 and carry out the Recover Together program. This program starts with carrying out vaccinations and collecting data on MSMEs affected by the pandemic that have not been touched by government assistance. It was from that baseline that the Human Initiative finally intervened by providing assistance in the form of MSME training and closed by providing cash assistance for capital.
Assisting Pasuruan MSMEs through Collaboration with Various Parties
The Human Initiative with CRS and Australian Aid does not work alone, but optimizing cooperation with local stakeholders. As is the case in implementing the distribution of cash assistance for Pasuruan MSME capital. On Monday, November 14, 2022, a collaboration with the Pasuruan Post Office was carried out in the form of money orders that could be immediately disbursed by MSME actors at the post office located at the Pasuruan Post Office.
This mutualism cooperation is also felt by many parties. Donors set aside a small portion of their income through institutions, the institution manages and distributes it wisely by assessing beneficiaries and working with stakeholders. In the end, with this little enthusiasm, it turns into a snowball of kindness.
It started with a representative from the Pasuruan post office who said, “It is an honor for us to be able to help facilitate this program. We hope that good collaborations like this can continue and be useful.” It was closed with a sincere gratitude expression by one of the beneficiaries, Mrs. Sukarti, “Alhamdulillah, thank you for the help. My business, which previously had reduced income and lack of capital, can now start filling in capital again.”
Being a bridge between donors and beneficiaries is really reconciling. When we can capture the needs of beneficiaries and the wishes of donors to continue to share with others. “We are very grateful for your participation, ladies and gentlemen. We hope that the assistance we distribute from these donors can be of benefit to you,” said Aulia Rahmah, Project Manager for Recovering Together