Extending Trust, Human Initiative Spreads the Benefits of Sacrifice through Immediate Meat Distribution

Extending Trust, Human Initiative Spreads the Benefits of Sacrifice through Immediate Meat Distribution

9 July 2023

Human Initiative – Through its ‘Spread the Qurban 2023’ program, Human Initiative has expanded the distribution of qurban meat to remote areas of Indonesia and even foreign countries. With the theme ‘Worthful Qurban’ Human Initiative continues its commitment to distributing the meat immediately after slaughtering the animals.

The distribution of qurban meat right after the slaughter is in line with the 2023 sacrifice’s objectives. Furthermore, Human Initiative follows well-established recommendations and Indonesian cultural norms, which advocate for distributing qurban meat as soon as possible after slaughter.

Did you know, Dear Initiators? According to islam.nu.or.id, one of the beneficiaries of qurban, particularly the poor, have full ownership of the meat they receive. They can process it according to their taste and sell it to meet their daily needs.


ويشترط في اللحم أن يكون نيئا ليتصرف فيه من يأخذه بما شاء من بيع وغيره كما في الكفارات فلا يكفي جعله طعاما مطبوخا ودعاء الفقراء إليه ليأكلوه كما يوهمه قول المصنف


Meaning: “The meat of the qurban is required to be fresh so that the person receiving it can utilize it for various purposes, including selling. This is similar to the case of kaffarah, where it is not sufficient to cook the meat and invite the needy to eat it, as the author of Matan (Abu Syuja’) suggests” (See Sheikh M Ibrahim Baijuri, Hasyiyatul Baijuri, [Beirut, Darul Fikr: without year note], juz II, page 311).


However, you should not hesitate to process the benefits of qurban before distribution. This decision is made for a specific reason and purpose.

The main reason is the significant distance and time required to reach many distribution locations. Concerns arise that the quality of the meat might deteriorate. Nonetheless, the goal is to ensure that the beneficiaries can still consume the meat, even if the distribution process takes longer. This way, the beneficiaries can enjoy it over an extended period of time.





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