CRS Indonesia and Human Initiative Attend the Joint Recovery Program Closing Workshop

CRS Indonesia and Human Initiative Attend the Joint Recovery Program Closing Workshop

10 December 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic brought various changes in various aspects, including social and economic aspects. In response to COVID-19 Pandemic situation, in 2021 the Australian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is presenting a grant program. The program is the “Australia-Indonesia COVID-19 Emergency Response Package – Recover Together” or better known as the “Recovery Together Program”. A number of agencies have joined the Joint Recovery Program, one of which is SIAP SIAGA.

SIAP SIAGA is an Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Disaster Preparedness. The program aims to strengthen disaster risk management as well as strengthen cooperation between the Australian and Indonesian governments on humanitarian issues. As the Joint Recovery Program has been running for about a year, on this occasion SIAP SIAGA is carrying out the Closing Workshop for the Joint Recovery Program. The event took place on Thursday (15/12) at the Ambhara Hotel, South Jakarta.

The aim of this Workshop activity is to provide improved health and social services for residents in the most affected areas and to build community resilience to the impact of the pandemic. In addition, this provides an opportunity for Recover Partners to present the results of the program and the learning process. the activity took place through panel discussions and exhibitions presenting knowledge products with stakeholders in each agency, including CRS Indonesia which also involved Human Initiative to join in the activity.

Collaboration in the Joint Recovery Program

In this activity, several stakeholders in the Joint Recovery Program attended both offline and online. Those attending were DFAT, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, BNPB, MDMC, LPBI NU, PKBI, CWS, ADRA, Wahid Foundation and IDEP.

Agus Wibowo, a representative from BNPB expressed his hope for the continuation of the Joint Recovery Program in disaster resilience. On this occasion he thanked for the excellent implementation of the program.

The activity which lasted for approximately five hours described program achievements and knowledge management including:

The Importance of Local Champion’s Role in Inclusive CBDRM.

Management of Village Data to Support Disaster Management Planning.

BUMD as an Inclusive and Resilient Local Economic Development Mechanism.

Tangguh Tourism Village concept.

Joint Recovery Results Presentation.

Exhibition of Knowledge Products from Implementation of Recovering Together.

On the occasion, the CRS Indonesia Together with Human initiative also presented the Joint Recovery Program book products in the CANDO Consortium such as the COVID-19 Education Book, Mental Health Counseling Book, and Entrepreneurship Support Book.

Leader of the Human Initiative Empowerment Squad, Rizka Azharini expressed her joy at thenactivities.

“It is a valuable opportunity to be able to attend this workshop, we hope there will be positive learning both in terms of program implementation or learning events by CRS-HI in the future,” he said.


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