Current Condition of Floods Submerdging 8 Urban Villages in Bekasi

Current Condition of Floods Submerdging 8 Urban Villages in Bekasi

19 February 2022

Initiator Friends, 8 villages in 4 sub-districts of Bekasi City have been flooded since last Wednesday, February 16, 2022. However, it is currently reported that the flood conditions there have started to recede. The floods were caused by an increase of water levels from upstream Cileungsi, Bogor, at 19.00 WIB. Then, the flow of water headed towards the city of Bekasi and in the end made the puddles in Bekasi River high.

“At approximately 7 pm local time, there was a rise in water level from the upstream of Cibongas or the Cileungsi area, Bogor. Then, the water flows towards the Bekasi River for about 3 to 4 hours,” said Enung Nurcholis, the Head of the Bekasi City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) on February 18, 2022.

In addition, BPBD also stated that in its data, 8 villages from 4 sub-districts in Bekasi City were flooded due to increased water flow in Bekasi River. This flood disaster greatly affected 1,237 families (KK) and 4,958 people. Several sub-districts hit by the floods include Marga Jaya Village, Duren Jaya Village, Jatirasa Village, Bekasi Jaya Village, Margamulya Village, Jakasetia Village, Margahayu Village, and the last one is Teluk Puncung Village.

Pondok Gede Permai housing complex located in Jatiasih sub-district is one of the locations affected by the quite severe floods. Based on reports in the field, the water level there reaches 1.5 to 2 meters.

Tim Human Initiative Bersih-Bersih Rumah Ibadah Terdampak Banjir Bekasi

The flood hitting Bekasi is not only in the form of water, but also mud and has affected people’s homes and places of worship, making the people difficult to do their daily activities. Human Initiative responded to this incident by evacuating and cleaning public facilities, especially houses of worship in Nusa Indah, Bekasi.

Initiator Friends, let’s help our brothers & sisters in Bekasi by giving your best donation through Solusi Peduli. Your help means a lot to them.


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