Engaging in Protecting Humanitarian Workers, Over 300 Participants Support through the “Wall of Hope”

Engaging in Protecting Humanitarian Workers, Over 300 Participants Support through the “Wall of Hope”

27 August 2023

Jakarta – Human Initiative was among the dozens of humanitarian organizations that took part in the Humanitarian Night event at Martha Christina Tiahahu Literacy Park, Blok M area, South Jakarta (August 19th). During the event, the Human Initiative’s wall of hope was filled with various handwritten messages to support humanitarian work worldwide.

This collaboration among humanitarian organizations was a reflection of the observance of World Humanitarian Day 2023. This year, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) adopted the theme ‘No Matter What’. This theme signifies standing together in humanitarian affairs with the communities served, regardless of anyone, anywhere, and #NoMatterWhat.

As a global humanitarian organization, Human Initiative conveyed a message that aligns with UNOCHA’s theme. Echoing the sentiment of ‘No Matter What, Don’t Stop Your Good Deeds’ during the Humanitarian Night, Human Initiative successfully collected humanitarian messages from visitors.


Human Initiative’s Wall of Hope’s Humanitarian Messages

“More than 300 sticky notes were written and placed by visitors as a form of support for humanitarian work. This step seemingly shows that anyone can do good deeds, starting from small actions. Moreover, anyone can take significant steps, no matter what happens,” said Dara Minanda, Brand Manager of Human Initiative.

One of the humanitarian messages read, “Let’s Heal the World Together!” The message, without a specified author, became a highlight on the wall of hope. Additionally, this message was one of the first to land on the Human Initiative’s wall of hope, conveying a humanitarian message.

During the Humanitarian Night, Human Initiative also had the opportunity to present their humanitarian actions. On this occasion, Human Initiative introduced the Indonesian Humanitarian Congress II, which provides a platform for sharing ideas among humanitarian institutions in Indonesia. The Indonesian Humanitarian Congress II by Human Initiative is set to take place in December 2023.

The Humanitarian Night event, which took place from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM Western Indonesia Time, was attended by more than 1,000 visitors. Furthermore, Nelwan Harahap from the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenko PMK RI) and Valerie Julliand, the UN Resident Coordinator (UN RC) for Indonesia, were present at the event.


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