Improving the Quality of Education, Human Initiative Provides Educational Scholarships for Tahfiz An-nisa Islamic Boarding Schools

Improving the Quality of Education, Human Initiative Provides Educational Scholarships for Tahfiz An-nisa Islamic Boarding Schools

16 February 2022

Human Initiative collaborates with the Tahfiz An-nisa Islamic Boarding School in West Aceh to implement a teacher salary program and the operation of Islamic Boarding Schools. This activity is part of the implementation of the Orphan, Orphan, Mualaf, and Duafa Education Program. This program has been implemented on December 25, 2021 until January 24, 2022 with a total of 40 beneficiaries. The beneficiaries of this program are Teachers, Caregivers, Islamic Boarding School Managers as well as Orphans and Duafa Students. Through this educational support program, we hope to help the beneficiaries improve their provision of life, academic achievement and have good morals.

The daily activity program for students of the Tahfiz An-nisa Islamic Boarding School is quite diverse. From waking up in the morning to going back to sleep at night. Their activities include Al-Qur’an lessons in the form of Tahsinul Qur’an, Tahfizul Qur’an, Fiqh, Sirah Nabawiyah, and Arabic. In addition, the female students also receive moral lessons, general school lessons and extracurricular activities to train the creativity of the female students. Even though the activities of the female students are quite a lot, the enthusiasm of the female students in achieving knowledge is still great. In addition, the female students often participate in competitions such as the MTQ competition. This is to foster the spirit of competing in goodness.

Menunggu Berbuka Puasa
Image : Waiting for Break Fasting

With this comprehensive program, it is hoped that the female students can become individuals who are hafizhah daiyyah, solihah, mushlihah, have good Islamic insight and are educated and independent. The target of this Pesantren program is to create a young mutqin and pious generation of hafizhah of 30 juz of Al-Qur’an who have noble character. Moreover, they are also able to convey the knowledge they have learned as well as practice it well so that it can be useful for the community.

Initiator Friends, these students at the Tahfiz An-nisa Islamic Boarding School are one of the many potential beneficiaries that we can help. Let’s contribute with the best donation in Solusi Peduli. Initiator Friends’ alms will greatly help those in need. We are waiting for the best donation, Initiator Friends.



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