Pertamina and Human Initiative for Harvesting Biofloc Catfish Cultivation in Hagu Teungoh Village

Pertamina and Human Initiative for Harvesting Biofloc Catfish Cultivation in Hagu Teungoh Village

18 December 2021

Thursday (1/12/2021) Pertamina and Human Initiative held a Biofloc Catfish harvest which at Hagu Teungoh Village, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City. This harvest was carried out 2 months after the assisted group of Biofloc Catfish Cultivation in Hagu Tengoh Village conducted biofloc catfish cultivation. This activity was initiated by PT Pertamina Integrated Terminal Lhokseumawe in collaboration with Human Initiative as a facilitator in helping the assisted groups. This harvest festival was also attended by various elements such as Dandim 0103 Lhokseumawe City, Danramil 16 Banda Sakti, Head of Fisheries Division, Marine Fisheries Agriculture and Food, FT Pertamina Lhokseumawe Manager, Human Initiative Manager, Village Secretary and Village Apparatus Hagu Teungoh and BKM Masjid Al Al Muttaqin Hagu Teungoh.

Capt. inf. Nasrudin, the representative of Dandim 0103, said that community empowerment activities through Biofloc Catfish Cultivation program in Hagu Teungoh village also coincided with the TNI’s work program, namely community development activities. The most important part of this community empowerment program is maintaining group spirit, group management, and marketing. It is hoped that this first harvest can be an encouragement for the next harvest.

Panen Raya Budidaya Lele Bioflok

Manager of PT Pertamina IT Lhokseumawe, Ferry Saparuddin said that this program is Pertamina’s commitment to community economic development through CSR funds. So that economic independence can be realized from empowerment programs that have been implemented. In addition, this is also part of the company’s environmental social responsibility for the community around PT. Pertamina IT Lhokseumawe.

Surya Ningsih, Manager of Operations Human Initiative also believes that having a cultivation group can increase the economic rates of group members involved in this cultivation program. Surya also hopes that this harvest can be a stepping stone so that the next harvest can increase and even will be more successful in the future.

The catfish mortality rate in this first harvest was 20% of the 30% target with an initial sowing of 10,000 catfish.


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