Preparation to Welcome the Eid Al Adha

Preparation to Welcome the Eid Al Adha

10 May 2023

After the celebration of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, the Friends of the Initiator are now looking forward to the next holiday. In the month of Dzulhijjah, which falls in June 2023, we will welcome Eid al-Adha. So, what can we do to prepare?

According to Shaykh Ibrahim bun ‘Amir Ar Ruhaily from Dar Al Imam Ahmad, in Tjridul Ittiba’, the virtue of the first 10 days of Dzulhijjah is not limited to specific practices. Therefore, let’s explore the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ during this blessed month.

1 Sunnah Practices during Dzulhijjah

Human Initiative has gathered information from the Rumaysho page [1], which states that the Prophet ﷺ used to fast on the first nine days of Dzulhijjah, as well as on the day of ‘Ashura’ (10th Muharram), and three days every month, among other practices. Dear Initiators, you can emulate these sunnah practices by increasing voluntary prayers, giving alms, reading the Quran, reciting takbir, supplicating, and enjoining good deeds while forbidding evil.

2 Doing Repent 

Furthermore, it is crucial to seize every moment to draw closer to Allah and seek His forgiveness. Repentance is highly encouraged, and the beginning of the month of Dzulhijjah serves as an excellent time for self-reflection and seeking forgiveness. In Surah Az Zumar, verse 53, Allah promises His forgiveness to those who repent and never despairs of His mercy.

3 Preparing for Hajj & Umrah (the Pilgrimage) 

For those who aspire to perform Hajj or Umrah in the coming years, now is the time to prepare. Pray to Allah for a smooth journey and calculate savings to prioritize this noble pilgrimage. As narrated by ‘Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her), the Prophet ﷺ stated that the most virtuous form of jihad is performing Hajj mabrur (accepted Hajj).

4 Preparing the Qurban

Additionally, it is essential to save for this year’s sacrifice (Qurban). Although Hajj and Umrah may not be feasible for everyone, Muslims can still participate in the Qurban service each year at a relatively affordable cost. Human Initiative is facilitating the Qurban service, and Dear Initiators are encouraged to prepare early by visiting for more detailed information.

Let us seize the opportunity of the upcoming month of Dzulhijjah to engage in these virtuous acts and enhance our connection with Allah and our fellow believers.


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