Sukijan Hopes It’s Easy to Get Clean Water Supply

Sukijan Hopes It’s Easy to Get Clean Water Supply

2 November 2021

Water is a basic need that is needed by all living things. Even the most important element in the human body is water. But in reality, several areas in Indonesia is still facing obstacles in getting clean water. Those who have difficulty in getting clean water are Pak Sukijan and his family.

The condition of Girimulyo, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, where Pak Sukijan and his family live, is an area that lacks water. Especially in this dry season. To get clean water, every day the 52-year-old father has to fetch water from the Bibis source (a water source on the side of the asphalt road and under a big tree) using a jerry can that he carries on his shoulder.

Kegiatan Harian Pak Sukijan Demi Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih

He and his wife, Lagiem take turns to go fetch water. The water they get from the Bibis source is then used for daily needs such as kitchen needs, cleaning the body, clothes, utensils, and drinking.

“Here (in the house) it is impossible to have a well,” said Pak Sukijan when asked why he didn’t make a well. This is due to its geographical location adjacent to the cliff area. Several families living around the house have also tried to make wells. One of the families assisted by local residents finally managed to dig a well. The well is the result of mutual cooperation. The water is intended for the general needs of the local residents. However, the available water can only meet the needs of 10 households, so the needs of Pak Sukijan’s family are not met.

Pak Sukijan hopes that the government can provide a water source that can be used to meet the needs of the residents here.

Pak Sukijan Mengisi Ulang Kebutuhan Air Bersih

Pak Sukijan’s Little Family Life

Pak Sukijan is a farmer and rancher in the Yogyakarta area. Every day, he and his wife take turns going to the fields to take care of the crops. He usually leaves for work at 7 am and only comes home at 4 pm, when there is a lot of work to be done, he will only go home when he hears the call to Maghrib prayer.

The field produces several food raw materials including rice, corn, beans and cassava. The results he gets are not much because of the limited land conditions.

Besides a wife, he also has a son named Juni. The 5-year-old boy likes to be invited to “knit” into the fields. After coming home from ‘scavenging’ with my father, Juni can’t wait to start playing. When the Human Initiative volunteer visited Pak Sukijan and his family, Juni immediately went up to the goat barn and played with his pet goats.

Pak Sukijan Bersama Anaknya Mengurus Hewan Ternak Anak Pak Sukijan Membantu Mengurus Hewan Ternak

As a breeder, pak Sukijan has 5 goats as broodstock. He sold the goat aged 3 months old.

Initiator Friends, of course Pak Sukijan’s life needs all of our help. Together with the Human Initiative, let’s make Pak Sukjian and his family’s wish come true for easy access to clean water. Further information, you can find on the official Solusi Peduli website.


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