The Spirit of Memorizing Al-Quran Through Tahfiz Program at HOME Aceh

The Spirit of Memorizing Al-Quran Through Tahfiz Program at HOME Aceh

23 October 2022

Since its establishment in March 2020, HOME Children Learning Center in Aceh has been assisting children in memorizing the Koran. Through its priority Tahfiz program, they learn to memorize short suras in juz 30 gradually. On their journey, they are certainly not alone. Volunteers at HOME help them to be able to continue to strengthen their memorization. This is all due to the desire of the volunteers to help the children get closer to the Qur’an.

One of HOME’s sisters who is very excited is Annisa Putri. At the age of 12, she has completed memorizing Juz 30. Now, she is trying to complete her memorization in Juz 29.

“God willing, I’ll keep trying, Sis, until I can memorize it,” she said excitedly.

There is also the story of Muhammad Kaffah who is also 12 years old. Currently she is trying to complete and perfect the memorization of Surah Al Mursalat. That’s right Initiator Friends, Kaffah started memorizing juz 29 of the last surah. Let’s pray for it! I hope Kaffah continues to be enthusiastic in completing her memorization.

The last one is Nuraina. This 10 year old little girl is now in the 4th grade. Her enthusiasm is no less than that of Kaffah and Annisa.

“I want to be able to memorize the Qur’an too,” she said.

In practice, children who participate in this program are given 1 hour to memorize the Koran. After that, the supervisor or volunteer will help to listen to their memorization and correct if there are errors in the pronunciation of the letters or tajwid. Sometimes they have also prepared the memorization in their respective homes.

During the Tahfiz competition in their village, they managed to win. Annisa Putri won the first place, Muhhamad Kaffah won the second, and Nuraina won the third. So that what they have achieved makes them even more excited to memorize and also motivates other children to continue to improve their memorization.


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