World Diabetes Day: Know Normal Blood Sugar Levels

World Diabetes Day: Know Normal Blood Sugar Levels

21 November 2021

Celebrating World Diabetes Day, this time the Human Initiative editorial team will discuss what normal blood sugar levels are. Diabetes itself is actually a condition in which blood sugar levels in the body are too high. Another term for blood sugar is glucose.

Glucose is the main source of energy that comes from food that enters the body. The pancreas works by producing a hormone called insulin and this hormone will help the glucose contained in food to enter the body’s cells so that later humans have energy for activities.

However, there are times when the body cannot use or produce insulin as needed. So that glucose will actually stay in the blood and not be able to enter the body’s cells to produce energy. Then, this condition continues until a person suffers from the disease.


Normal Blood Sugar Level

Now the question is, what is a normal blood sugar level? Initiator friend, you can check your blood sugar level by using a blood sugar test kit. However, if you don’t want to bother, you can also check at the nearest hospital. However, it is important to know that blood sugar levels in the body can also change due to certain factors. For example, changes in diet, side effects of drugs or body metabolism.

The list of normal blood sugar levels in the following conditions, namely:

  • Less than 140 mg/dL, at least 2 hours after eating or at bedtime
  • 70-100 mg/dL, after fasting for approximately 8 hours or before eating

For patients, checking blood sugar levels should get regular monitoring to keep the body condition stable.


Can Diabetics Get Vaccinations?

In order to overcome the rate of Covid-19, the whole world is cooperating with vaccination. The question is, what about comorbid diabetes sufferers? Can they get Covid-19 vaccins?

Patients with stable conditions and no acute complications may receive a dose of Covid-19 vaccination. Human Initiative has supported the Covid-19 vaccination program together with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to hold the Covid-19 vaccination in Manggarai, South Jakarta some time ago.

Human Initiative has also collaborated with the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Indonesia (FFUI) to hold a Covid-19 vaccination on November 8, 2021. Initiator Friends, let’s live a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly and together do the Covid-19 vaccination.


Reference: Tirto


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