Indonesian Humanitarian Congress

Indonesian Humanitarian Congress

18 December 2021

The Indonesian Humanitarian Congress is a presentation of Human Initiative‘s aim to facilitate the consolidation of the humanitarian sector in an effort to uphold and maintain the dignity of the Indonesian population. The other goal is to respond to the trend of increasing disaster risk in the context of a pandemic. As we all know, this pandemic condition continues to threaten and disrupt the momentum of achieving the SDGs by reducing the number of deaths. Human Initiative also aims to reduce suffering, fulfill people’s basic needs and protection, and strengthen community resilience, especially special needed and marginalized people.

Human Initiative organized the Indonesian Humanitarian Congress with the theme of The Role of Humanitarian Actors in Post-pandemic Recovery Against Aspects of Sustainable Development. This agenda is also in line with the platform developed by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, namely the Solidarity and Generosity Movement and supports the initiation of the Indonesian Humanitarian Development Alliance (AP-KI) in the National Humanitarian Strategic Agenda Workshop.

This congress was held as a collaborative forum for the humanitarian community to determine humanitarian plans and strategies. Especially in the context of responding to the humanitarian aspects of disaster risk and the prolonged impact of the pandemic. The congress which was opened with a live performance of a traditional dance at 08.45 WIB, then it was then followed by singing Indonesian national anthem Indonesia Raya and a speech from the President of Human Initiative, Mr. Tomy Hendrajati, marking the opening of the conference.

The Indonesian Humanitarian Congress took place at the Java Ballroom, Hotel Millennium Sirih Jakarta. This event was divided into 4 sub-themes. The four sub-themes were Implications of Covid-19 on Humanity, SDG’s and Indonesia’s Humanitarian Agenda, Prospects of the Humanitarian Movement, and the last sub-theme was the Indonesian Humanitarian Context. The discussion session was held from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm Jakarta local time.


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