Let’s Conquer Your Fear with These Tips

Let’s Conquer Your Fear with These Tips

17 February 2022

Initiator Friends, do you have a fear of something or not? For example, are you afraid of insects, afraid of being in high places, or even afraid of dreaming because you are not sure you will achieve it? Well, if you have the last fear we have mentioned, this is very serious. It is important for you to read the following article.

Actually, it’s normal to be afraid of something as long as it’s not excessive. It is humane because we are not angels who are created perfect. Fear is generally present when a person is faced with something that makes him uncomfortable. There are various types of fear. They can be in the form of phobias, insecurity, and even fear of change.

The problem is, excessive fear, especially related to self-development can prevent you from realizing your dreams and ideals. Those who are brave are not those who have no fear, but those who have overcome their fears. So, Initiator Friends, you can’t lose to that feeling of fear. Then how do you do it? Well, consider the following tips so you can conquer your fear.


1. Have a Positive Mindset

Usually, fear is present because we imagine something bad will happen. In fact, our brain has a sophisticated system, namely the Reticular Activating System (RAS). This system will determine the information that enters and leaves the information warehouse in our brains.

For example, if you suddenly feel insecure, afraid, or overwhelmed, this will cause the valves in the Reticular Activating System to lock tightly. So what will happen is that you cannot think clearly and will have a dead end.

On the other hand, when you feel happy, confident, enthusiastic, the Reticular Activating System will attract something positive as well so that whatever you do, you can do it smoothly.


2. Identify the Source of Your Fear

You needs to question the reasons for your fear of something. For example, if you are afraid to dream of becoming a doctor because you feel you can’t, try to explain why. If it turns out to be difficult, you can learn. If the reason is hindered by costs, you can register for a scholarship program.


3. Slowly, Try to Face Your Fear

After doing the two tips above, now is the time for you to deal with the source of your fear. Just do it from the level you can tolerate the most. For example, if you are afraid to speak in public, start by speaking in front of your family or close friends.

Then, if it is resolved, increase the scale again to speak in front of the class or during a school event. Just imagine you are speaking before dolls. You wouldn’t be nervous about talking in front of a doll, would you?

Kisah Ida, Calon Dokter dari Adonara

Lastly, it is important to remember that you are not alone. You can read the Story of Ida, a Prospective Doctor from Adonara. Even though Ida is disabled, she is not afraid to dream and never gives up to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. Come on, let’s conquer our fear together.


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